OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 3. péntek
Az Üzleti Sajtószolgálat (Original Text Service - OTS) üzleti vállakozások, cégek, intézmények közleményeit, tájékoztatóit, meghívóit, állásfoglalásait közli. Szolgáltatásunk segítségével több mint 2000 újságírót és kommunikációs szakembert érhet el könnyen, gyorsan és költséghatékonyan – az Ön által megfogalmazott sajtóközleményt változtatás nélkül juttatjuk el az MTI-előfizetők szerkesztőségi rendszerébe vagy igény szerint akár a külföldi sajtóhoz is. (Az OTS anyagai nem képezik az MTI-kiadás részét, a szó szerint továbbított szövegekért minden esetben a közlő a felelős.)

2020. február 24., hétfő 10:00

New Executive MBA at MCI
    Innsbruck, 24 February, 2020 (APA/OTS) - Starting autumn 2020 | Master of Business Administration degree | Top-class program for international executives | Time and location flexibility through Mobile Learning, content flexibility through "Electives "

    The new English-language Executive MBA program is aimed at executives and future managers with a global perspective. The continuing education program is distinguished by its distinct international orientation and innovative didactics, as well as its intelligent mix of online and classroom-based modules enabling the degree program to be designed largely independent of time and location. With this MBA, consolidating a career with continuing education can become a reality for executives from a myriad of industries and nationalities. Moreover, electives are integrated into the curriculum, which can be taken at renowned universities in Europe and around the world. These supplementary electives allow the curriculum to be flexibly designed in terms of content and adapted to the individual needs of the students. The new Executive MBA is being offered at MCI, which holds the international AACSB accreditation. The program will start in October 2020 and applications are already welcomed.

The newly developed Executive MBA is based on MCI's more than 20 years of expertise in executive education and training. Students in employment want an MBA program that promotes career development and prepares them for international challenges in a dynamic, rapidly changing environment. They need a didactic format suitable for executives whose professional activities cannot be limited to a single location. The MCI development team now presents the new Executive MBA, which focuses on leadership and digital transformation. Spread over four semesters, comprising 13 core modules and a pool of electives at international partner universities, the program focuses on entrepreneurial thinking and acting in an international context as well as on digital transformation.

Thanks to the innovative Mobile or Blended Learning format, students are able to participate in the majority of the courses regardless of their location. Asynchronous online phases enable students to learn at their own pace. Through the immediate transfer of their knowledge into the respective professional practice, students also achieve implementation success during their studies. They also benefit from networking with each other, which enables exchange beyond company and national borders and thus, becomes an essential resource in managing change.

The Executive MBA program aimed at entrepreneurs, managers and decision-makers with several years of management experience. With the prerequisite for admission being the completion of a degree, the MBA targets, on the one hand, graduates of economic disciplines who wish to deepen and specialize their knowledge and, on the other hand, graduates of non-economic disciplines who wish to qualify for international management assignments.

Further information:

Press Contact: Ulrike Fuchs, Tel.: +43 (0)512 2070-1527, ulrike.fuchs@mci.edu


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