OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 2. csütörtök
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2017. március 21., kedd 15:56

Digital, flexible and open - CEREC, a complete system for restorations, implantology and orthodontics
    Bensheim/Salzburg, 21. March, 2017 (APA/OTS) - The CEREC system has now been opened up for the export of scan data in STL format. Data from the digital impression can now also be used in software products from other manufacturers. This opens up new possibilities for dentists who are gradually digitizing their practices. They can use the CEREC Omnicam scans in cooperation with their dental laboratory or other clinical planning software.

    The requirements that practices place on digital technologies have diversified in the past few years - the solutions are becoming ever more individual. Dentsply Sirona meets these differing needs with the extension of the applications for CEREC - for more patient comfort, time savings during the treatment and for even better cost-effectiveness for the practice. The STL export of scan data is the latest example of this: "The provision of single visit dentistry with CEREC does not need an open file, since CEREC is complete as it is. However, we see in the last few years that many other clinical applications are being used in the practice and customers are asking to use their CEREC digital impressions in those applications." explained Roddy MacLeod, Group Vice President Dentsply Sirona CAD/CAM.

Dentists can send the CEREC scans to a laboratory of their choice to order restorations. Compatibility with all commonly used design programs that are employed in laboratories is guaranteed by the STL format. The open format also enables the practice team to import the CEREC Omnicam scans into any other clinical or practice management software and to archive it there. The corresponding software licenses will be available at the same time as the new CEREC SW 4.5.

Long Version and images: https://news.dentsplysirona.com/en/business-units/cad-cam/2017/digital--flexible-and-open--cerec--a-

Press Contact: Marion Par-Weixlberger, T +43 (0) 662 2450-588, marion.par-weixlberger@dentsplysirona.com


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