OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. július 27. szombat
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2024. január 24., szerda 10:00

Intuitive's da Vinci Single-Port Surgical System Receives CE Mark / da Vinci SP approved for use in Europe across multiple procedures
    Sunnyvale, Calif., 24 January, 2024 (APA/OTS) - Intuitive (NASDAQ: ISRG), a global technology leader in minimally invasive care and the pioneer of robotic-assisted surgery, announced that the da Vinci Single-Port (SP) surgical system has received CE mark approval for use in Europe for endoscopic abdominopelvic, thoracoscopic, transoral otolaryngology, transanal colorectal, and breast surgical procedures.

    "We are pleased to receive CE mark for our da Vinci SP system, which offers surgeons across Europe the ability to perform more complex operations, across more patient types, in a minimally invasive way," said Intuitive CEO Gary Guthart. "The da Vinci SP system represents the latest addition to our product portfolio in Europe and expands options for surgeons and hospitals seeking to provide patients with evidence-based, innovative care."

The da Vinci SP system includes three, multi-jointed, wristed instruments and a fully wristed three-dimensional (3D), high-definition (HD) camera. The instruments and the camera all emerge through a single cannula and are properly triangulated around the target anatomy at the distal tip.

The system enables flexible port placement and excellent internal and external range of motion (e.g., 360-degrees of anatomical access) through the single da Vinci SP system arm. Surgeons control the fully articulating instruments and the camera on the da Vinci SP system from a console.

"Surgeons in Europe have long been at the forefront of robotic-assisted surgery and have led the adoption of innovative care that offers meaningful patient benefits," said Intuitive's Senior Vice President and General Manager for Europe Dirk Barten. "With the introduction of the da Vinci SP system, Intuitive continues to provide the latest technology to European surgeons and hospitals."

A growing body of evidence - nearly 400 peer reviewed publications to date - support the safety, efficacy and outcomes associated with the da Vinci SP system.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has cleared the da Vinci SP system for certain urology procedures, including simple prostatectomy, as well as transoral otolaryngology procedures. The da Vinci SP system is also approved for use in Japan and Korea for procedures across several disciplines.

About Intuitive

Intuitive (Nasdaq: ISRG), headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, is a global leader in minimally invasive care and the pioneer of robotic-assisted surgery. Our ground-breaking technologies include the da Vinci surgical system and the Ion endoluminal system. Digital intelligence allows us to unite our advanced systems, progressive learning, and value-enhancing services to help physicians and their teams optimize care delivery to support the best outcomes possible. At Intuitive, we envision a future of care that is less invasive and profoundly better, where diseases are identified early and treated quickly, so patients can get back to what matters most. For more information, please visit:  https://www.intuitive.com/en-gb

About the da Vinci Surgical System

There are several models of the da Vinci Surgical System. The da Vinci surgical systems are designed to help surgeons perform minimally invasive surgery. Da Vinci systems offer surgeons high-definition 3D vision, a magnified view, and robotic and computer assistance. They use specialized instrumentation, including a miniaturized surgical camera and wristed instruments (i.e., scissors, scalpels and forceps) that are designed to help with precise dissection and reconstruction deep inside the body.

For more information, please visit the company's website at www.intuitive.com.

Ulrike Raap/Laura Segelke

This press release may contain estimates and forecasts from which actual results may differ.

© 2024 Intuitive Surgical Operations, Inc. All rights reserved. Product and brand names/logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intuitive Surgical or their respective owner.


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