OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. július 27. szombat
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2023. augusztus 30., szerda 08:15

Leading European model agency launches luxury skincare brand. (part 1)
    Hamburg, 30 August, 2023 (APA/OTS) - With 1,500 models, Germany's largest model agency MGM Models is one of the leading agencies in the sector in all of Europe as well Germany. With its MGM Cosmetics by MGM Models, the agency is now the first model agency in the world to introduce its own premium skincare line to the market. - The agency, where renowned top models like Kate Upton and Chrissy Teigen launched their careers, also manages some of the most promising new top models, such as the current face of Dior, Maryel Uchidad, alongside international celebrities and influencers.

        - Picture is available at AP (https://apmultimedianewsroom.com/multimedia-newsroom/partners/news-aktuell) -

"Modelskin for Everyone", is the slogan for the new skincare range, which has been developed over years of research at a renowned German laboratory.

"Used for the first time at the Paris Fashion Week, the new Skincare series appealed so strongly to models and influencers that our own expectations were exceeded, and for that reason we immediately decided to launch the brand comprehensively and internationally," MGM Chief Marketing Executive Daniel Alexander says.

"The issue of skin health has been with me my entire career as a model agent, as models cannot have a bad skin. I have always been on the lookout for a good skincare product, and I have now had one developed myself. The high professional standards we set for a healthy and beautiful skin have now been met in this particularly effective and beneficial skincare series," MGM Models CEO Marco Sinervo says.

The medical expert for MGM Cosmetics skincare is the renowned dermatologist Dr Anna Brandenburg: "MGM Cosmetics is an extremely effective and substantiated skincare concept with highly effective ingredients and the purest quality. The skin's varying needs can be taken care of in an optimal way by the different series, which lead to maximum effect for the user. The product range is set out clearly and is simple to use. It contains everything needed for healthy skincare. The Sun Protection Factor issue has also been solved effectively by the UV Protection."

The products, which will initially be available online only, are priced at between €38 and €180 (recommended retail price). These consist of holistic care concepts, subdivided into the main requirements for every age, so as to guarantee optimal care for different skin types. From very young skin needing a lower lipid content, up to the more mature skin with enhanced anti-aging effect.

At the launch, a total of three skincare lines with 12 products for different age groups will be available.

Everday: 16 - 25 years
Advanced: 25 - 40 years
Supreme: 35 - 60 years

"The Modelmask" stands out as a particular highlight. A mask developed for models for use 15 minutes before shootings or shows, with incredible instant effect.

The list of the new testimonials - whether from celebrities, influencers or models - is long. "We do not even have to ask our models to promote our products, because they are simply convinced by the effects and tolerability and are themselves enthusiastic," Daniel Alexander says. MGM Models has a total of more than 60 million followers on social media.

A launch in selected specialist outlets, in leading perfumeries and a launch event in St Tropez are planned for the autumn of 2023. (continues)

2023. augusztus 30., szerda 08:15

Leading European model agency launches luxury skincare brand. (part 2)
    Hamburg, 30 August, 2023 (APA/OTS) -

    Marco Sinervo, 46, has been active in the market for almost 25 years and is now one of the most experienced model managers nationally and internationally. The son of a Finnish mother and Italian father, he grew up in Hamburg, going on after his schooling to a trainee programme in the largest German model agency at the time in Hamburg. He then worked for several years as a model booker. This was followed by a lengthy period with leading agencies in Milan and New York, where he managed star models like Eva Herzigova. Motivated by the aim to establish a new large German model agency of international standing, he set up MGM Models - Models Global Management - in 2007. The aim was to introduce a fresh wind into the encrusted German agency landscape.

The company, with 1,500 models, a total of around 60 million social media followers, 60 employees and a global scouting unit, is Germany's largest model agency and well established across Europe. Its area of operation - apart from its focus on the Germany-Austria-Switzerland region - lies primarily in the French, Spanish, Italian, British and Scandinavian markets. MGM Models primarily serves the key players in the sector, including the major fashion houses Balenciaga, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Armani, Fendi, Chanel, Kenzo and Dior, along with fashion chains like Inditex and H&M and all the major online retailers, such as Zalando and the fashion labels of the Otto Group.

The agency is based in Hamburg, with branches in New York, Düsseldorf and Paris. Links to the most important clients in the United States are constantly being expanded. The current US partner agency is Elite Models. An Asian branch is in the planning for the years ahead.

Marco Sinervo has shone a critical light on the models and influencers business with the publication in 2022 of his book "Fame vs. Fake".


Press contact:
Rainer Möller
P +49 40 87 08 51 32
M +49 162 24 12 912


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